"You know what? This whole thing's insane. I'm out." - Migo, Smallfoot

There are two (2) parts of The Abominable Eighty:
Part 1: The Challenge: Beginning on the first full week of 2022 (Monday, January 3, 2022) and ending on the last full week of March 2022 (Sunday, March 27, 2022), ride for at least 80 miles per week. If you fail to ride at least 80 miles in a week, you can make up for it by riding at least 100 miles in the immediately following week. If you (i) fail to ride at least 80 miles in one week, and (ii) fail to ride at least 100 miles in the following week, you'll be eliminated from the challenge. More details are below.
Part 2: The Ride: On April 9, 2022, we'll ride 80 miles on the NCR Trail as a group. More details are below.
Details for The Challenge:
Prizes/Cost: If you complete the challenge without being eliminated, then you'll win a free Abominable Eighty neck gaiter. The rider who rides the most miles during the challenge will win the Abominable Eighty trophy (customized YETI drinkware item). However, if you get eliminated, you'll owe $50, which will be donated to Parkinson's research.
How to Participate: You must join the Abominable Eighty club on Strava so that we can track your miles. All of your miles must be reported on Strava to qualify.
Leaderboard: Scroll to the bottom of this page.
Details for The Ride:
Cost: It's free! This makes sense, since this is a do-it-yourself, self-supported ride. No food, water, aid, mechanical assistance, or other support will be provided by Bigfoot Endurance or any other person, and Bigfoot Endurance is not responsible in any way for your safety on the course.
Who: Anyone! You don't have to participate in the Challenge to participate in the Ride. Feel free to ride it on your own or with a group. And feel free to ride a shorter distance, whatever you want! It's an out and back route, so you'll likely see other Bigfoot riders no matter what approach you take. Let us know if you're going to participate so we can give you a high five on the trail! You can even participate as a runner! Check out the "SPECIAL FEATURE" below to see how far you have to run to earn access to purchase the Abominable cycling jersey and/or running shirt.
What: Eighty miles (or less, if you want) along the North Central Railroad Trail (NCR Trail). It's a mixture of pavement, dirt, and gravel. It's pretty flat. Cyclocross bikes are best. Mountain bikes also work. Road bikes will work if the trail is dry.
When: April 9, 2022 (a group is starting at 9am, but feel free to start whenever)
Where: Starting at Mile Zero of the NCR Trail (we suggest parking near 3 Stone Row Court, Cockeysville, Maryland).
Why: Because it's there! It's all for fun and the more the merrier!
SPECIAL FEATURE: Unlock the jersey! If you ride the entire 80 (or run an entire 26.2) miles of The Abominable Eighty, you'll unlock the special jersey (shown below, also available as a running shirt) that is only available for purchase by participants who have completed The Abominable Eighty (or 26.2 miles on foot).

The special-edition jersey design was inspired by the high-viz design on the back of a vehicle spotted on the road, like the one shown below. After the design was finalized, we discovered that the vehicles that feature this design often also feature a caution, "MAKES FREQUENT STOPS".
We couldn't have said it better.
Whether you're more excited about the bicycling or the frequent stops, we hope you'll join us!

Suggested Packing List (Note: For some of these items, only 1 is needed per group, so coordinate with your fellow riders):
Multi tool
Tire levers
Hand pump
Spare tubes
Spare tires
Shoe covers (winter only)
Knee warmers (winter only)
Suntan lotion
Vest/jacket (winter only)
Water bottles
Credit Card
Winter hat (winter only)
Balaclava (winter only)
Bone broth
Pickle Juice
Body glide